Simple Sardine Spread

I believe many people must be bored to eat every morning same cereals and they are open to trying something else, new and unusual. Then you are at the right place. Today I have a very simple recipe you can prepare in couple minutes. First time when I ate this in a preschool as a small boy and I really like it. So, let us start…
Preparation time: 15 minutes Servings: N/A
Difficulty: * – Very easy
2 tin sardines in sunflower oil (cca. 250g/8.5oz)
100 grams butter (cca. 3.5oz) or a butter spread
1 pcs onion medium size
1 teaspoon American mustard
2 tablespoon lemon juice cca. juice of a half lemon
a dash of salt, ground black pepper (according to taste)
Prepare a medium-size bowl. Open tins of sardines, get rid of excess fluids or bones and add to the bowl.
Add the soft butter. If you are in hurry and the butter is still too hard you can melt it (a just little bit) in a microwave for around 30 seconds to make it softer. Then mix sardines with the butter for 4 minutes to make a nice soft spread.
Then add one teaspoon of a mustard for better taste, some lemon juice (from a half lemon you can make around two teaspoons of the juice), a dash salt, a fresh milled black pepper and again gently mix everything together.
Now chop onion softly, add to the bowl and mix in with a wooden spoon.
Recipe Notes
And that’s it. It is best to serve on bread, crackers with some fresh vegetable like cucumbers, tomatoes etc. You can sprinkle it with some chopped spring onions, parsley or chive. So, Enjoy your morning breakfast.
Good appetite.
Tip: You can replace mustard with two pickled gherkins chopped softly or changing the taste if you add 100 grams/3.5 oz of a curd cheese makes the spread lighter for your stomach.